My Happy Hounds

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Imaginative Dog Recall can work!

See it as it is, then see it better than it is.
-Tony Robbins

This quote reminds me that what you are focusing on through your thoughts, feelings,words and actions has a profound effect on what you experience in your life. 
How does this apply to Dog Training?
Imagination is our creative energy and what we imagine in our private world can become real in our physical world. I know this may sound really wacky and far fetched but seeing something as you would like it to be can work and I would like to share how I used this 'tool' to assist a dog in recall.

The very first time we took Bracken on a off lead walk with our kids, he disappeared for 45 minutes. 45 minutes of hell and worry. You can imagine the thoughts that were chasing through my head, each one getting more intense as I imagined going back to Bracken's owner with the news that I had lost their beloved dog in the woods.I was even beginning to feel physically sick; such is the power of our thoughts and emotions on our body.
After about 10 minutes of following the path of worry and fear which was getting me absolutely nowhere, I decided to change tack. Was there something else I could try? YES!!!

I came to a stop in the centre of the path, closed my eyes, and imagined Bracken. I saw him coming out of the woods and running down the path towards me. I imagined giving him a treat and cuddling him, telling him what a clever, wonderful boy he was. I tried the best I could to generate the feeling of delight and relief I would feel as he came back to me. I certainly felt alot better than the fear and worry that I had previously being feeling!
Mike and I decided that we wouldn't stray far from where we last saw Bracken as he would more than likely pick up our scent trail.
Time ticked past and I just kept seeing a happy Bracken running down the track to me. Every fearful thought was given the heave out of my mind and replaced with a hopeful thought.
Around 45 minutes, he came out of the wood exactly as I had seen him in my mind's eye. I didn't tell him off, I praised him so much with hugs and treats! 

On our second walk with Bracken he decided he would try again and left us for around 20 minutes. Once again calling his name and whistling was getting no result, so I went back to what had worked. IMAGINATION!  He returned a happy boy and received lots of praise and cuddles. Throughout the remainder of the walk, he was off lead and behaved really well.

We have had Bracken on walks for the last year and NEVER ONCE has he left us to go exploring for more than a minute.

Your imagination can create miracles, so try it with your dog. I shall share some games I played with Cara just by imaging what I would like her to do!! All good fun.

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