I took this recipe from 'Care 2 Pets' (you can find them on FB) and it only took minutes to prepare with the help of my best friend, the food processor.
I used Chicken Liver from Morrison's which cost me £1.09 for 400g. I topped the wholemeal flour with chickpea flour and a fresh egg from my lovely chickens. I poured the mixture into a baking tin, smoothing the top. The depth was just round an inch deep. I have tried this recipe with either foil or parchment paper lining the baking tin and the parchment paper trial was a massive success! The paper easily came off the cake, whereas the cake stuck to the foil.
It was then popped into the oven at 180'C for 15-20 minutes. Just test the centre with a knife and when it comes out clean, the cake is ready. Cool, divide into portions, and let the dogs savour them!
400g Liver (any type)
1 Egg
200g Wholemeal Flour
The Liver Cake can be frozen, although I think my dogs and gorgeous Khan, will devour it all within a few days!!
The Liver Cake is really good at teaching your dog, in my case, Cara to play 'Find It'. I can float a morsel of cake under her nose, tell her to 'Stay' and then hide it from her. The release command is 'Find It' and she can then consume the treat as the reward. I began this game with showing her where I was hiding the treat- under a rug- and then asked her to 'Find It'. She loved this game and picked the edge of the rug up with her teeth to retrieve the treat!!
Big Boy Khan hasn't mastered this skill yet! He stays perfectly and goes to find the treat on command and then looks at me as if to say "You're kidding! How can I get to the treat under that?!!"
We(Cara and I) are now working on finding the treat in a different room without her seeing where I have placed it. Once we have mastered this game and I am then going to teach her to identify different treats; so initially 'Liver Cake' will be named as 'Cake', tagged with the 'Find It' command and hopefully she will after a few sessions, look for the Cake only on that cue!!
The Liver Cake is really good at teaching your dog, in my case, Cara to play 'Find It'. I can float a morsel of cake under her nose, tell her to 'Stay' and then hide it from her. The release command is 'Find It' and she can then consume the treat as the reward. I began this game with showing her where I was hiding the treat- under a rug- and then asked her to 'Find It'. She loved this game and picked the edge of the rug up with her teeth to retrieve the treat!!
Big Boy Khan hasn't mastered this skill yet! He stays perfectly and goes to find the treat on command and then looks at me as if to say "You're kidding! How can I get to the treat under that?!!"
We(Cara and I) are now working on finding the treat in a different room without her seeing where I have placed it. Once we have mastered this game and I am then going to teach her to identify different treats; so initially 'Liver Cake' will be named as 'Cake', tagged with the 'Find It' command and hopefully she will after a few sessions, look for the Cake only on that cue!!
Enjoy baking for your gorgeous Hound and I welcome any feedback. If you would like any tips about teaching the 'Find It' game, or any of the games I post, please ask, it will be a pleasure to share the joy.
Bye for now from some very happy Kingsdale Hounds!